It's lockdown again. We're all sitting like bananas in our improvised offices - far away from ergonomically designed workstations - the fitness center for afterwork exercises had to close its doors last year, and to be honest, we've never been able to get up to go jogging in the dark, cold evenings. And so we vegetate - between computer, Netflix and bed or Netflix, bed and computer.
Bevor Du weiter verkümmerst und Dich zu einem wirbellosen, Zellulosehaufen zurück bildest, roll die seit Monaten verstaubenden Hanteln weg und probier es einfach mal mit etwas Neuem: Zum Beispiel online einem «Advanced Power Workout» das jeden Muskel stärkt, mit «Intelligent Movement» , das deinen Geist und Körper geschmeidig hält oder einem «Extreme-Power-Stretching» für mehr Flexibilität. Klingt gut!? Dann können wir Dir ja jetzt auch verraten, dass Du die entsprechenden Online-Kurse in unserem Wochenplan ganz einfach unter Happy New Yoga, Veda Yoga und Yin Yoga findest.
Before you continue to waste away and regress to an invertebrate, cellulose pile, roll away the dumbbells that have been gathering dust for months and just try something new: For example, online an «Advanced Power Workout» that strengthens every muscle, «Intelligent Movement» that keeps your mind and body supple or «Extreme-Power-Stretching» for more flexibility. Sounds good!? Then we can tell you now that you can easily find the corresponding online classes in our weekly schedule under Happy New Yoga, Veda Yoga and Yin Yoga.
We have often used these fancy descriptions for our classes for die-hard yoga skeptics. The subsequent conversation about the benefits and advantages of our 'trainings' increased their curiosity so immeasurably that in the end they were not even deterred by the term «yoga». And so, shortly thereafter, most of them entered our yoga room and quite a few have been practicing regularly with us ever since - completely thrilled by the effects on their bodies and minds. Now that they were able to experience for themselves that yoga consists of much more than just incense sticks and singing bowls. Sure, these are components of individual yoga practices, but yoga is so much more!
Yoga is at least as diverse as the world of music
With other words, yoga is an endless treasure trove of exercises and techniques that nourish, strengthen and keep our bodies and minds healthy. No wonder yoga is as much a part of the training of elite athletes as the smartphone is part of our everyday lives. Even of them, more than a few attended their first yoga class with a superior smile, which then turned into a disbelieving stare and subsequently a whimpering surrender within a few minutes. And as soon as they pushed aside their wounded pride, they realized that there was still a lot of room for improvement in their supposedly fit bodies....
A breath of fresh air is good for everyone. And if you can't make it out into the cold, at least make it into the living room on the yoga mat. Get the best out of the lockdown and for yourself. With the online classes from Yogagold – via Zoom.
We look forward to seeing you. Namasté!
This literally means "We bow to you".
(And even more so when you bend with us).