How small steps get you further than big resolutions.
«This year I'll start as soon as I...» How many times have I thought this sentence, or even said it to myself? It sounds promising. But it's a lie. I'm lying to myself. Because I delude myself into thinking that starting will be easier later. But the ideal starting point with perfect conditions will never come. Life is far too chaotic for that. It simply flows on incessantly, inviting us to flow with it at every moment. And to change direction if the path we have chosen is not the right one after all. Be it by reading a spiritual text or signing up for the next yoga class. No matter how small the step is, take it. It is your first step by entering the stream of life.
Your zest for life is the flame that keeps the fire of courage and change burning. Unfortunately, it is all too often doused with excuses, self-doubt, etc. in everyday life. So that it is just a pile of embers. Yoga and meditation are the gentle wind that can rekindle your inner fire. With every conscious breath, every chanted mantra and every mindful movement, you breathe new life into your joy. You feel new energy and strengthen the power to implement your resolutions.
It feels like every day is far too short for everything we want to do. But the truth is: there's always time for yourself. After all, people in Switzerland spend an average of 3.5 hours (!) in front of the TV or on their cell phones. That's 210 minutes that can be turned into moments of mindfulness. Don't worry, this doesn't mean giving up everything. It's just about setting your priorities a little differently. Away from others and towards yourself. Even with just a few minutes of yoga or meditation, you can steer your life in a completely new direction.
Perhaps you already feel the power of a new beginning. Maybe you're drawn to the mat now, maybe to the silence. Maybe you're ready to hit the ground running and give it your all. And perhaps you would prefer to walk the path with company. Then we invite you to join us. With asanas, pranayama, meditation or coaching, we will help you to ignite your inner fire and get your zest for life blazing so that you can achieve all your resolutions with ease.